Get Minted with Vinted -Without Losing Your Mind

Let’s talk about Vinted! If you’re like me, you’ve probably got a closet full of clothes you *swear* you’ll wear again someday—when you finally learn how to pull off that funky sweater or squeeze into those jeans from five years ago. Well, spoiler alert: that day is not coming. But hey, no judgment. Instead of letting those forgotten treasures gather dust, why not make some cash and free up space by selling them on Vinted? Click Here for A Quick link to the website 

Vinted Transforms User Research into Actionable Insights with TheyDo & Journey AI

I’m about to break down why Vinted is the GOAT of secondhand selling apps—and how to actually get rid of your stuff without pulling your hair out.


So, Why Vinted?


  1. It’s Super Easy to Use

   Seriously, the app is so user-friendly, even your grandma could figure it out (not that she’d need to). The layout is simple, so you won’t be overwhelmed by a million buttons or unnecessary features. You just post, sell, and *cha-ching*—money in your account.

Vinted - Buy and sell clothes - Apps on Google Play(This is what the App logo looks like)


  1. No Seller Fees

   Unlike other selling platforms (cough, cough, eBay), Vinted doesn’t charge you a cut of your hard-earned cash. You sell an item for £20, you get the full £20. It’s like finding a £5 note in an old jacket but… better.


  1. Declutter and Make Money

   Look, we all know how good it feels to declutter. It’s like giving your brain a deep-clean. Plus, selling that jacket you haven’t worn since 2016 feels way better than letting it continue to shame you from the back of your closet. And you can finally stop telling yourself you’ll wear it “next season.”


  1. Great Community

   The Vinted community is full of people just like you—on the hunt for deals and fresh wardrobe finds. Most buyers and sellers are friendly, so you can expect smooth transactions and maybe even some fun convos along the way- Or maybe that’s just me staring conversations with people!


The Process (AKA: How to Sell Your Stuff Like a Pro)


Alright, let’s get down to business. Here’s how you go from hoarder to hustler in a few easy steps.


  1. Snap Some Pics

   First things first, grab your phone and take a few *good* photos of the item you’re selling. Think of it like a mini photoshoot for your clothes—give them the runway moment they deserve. Lighting is key here, so throw open those curtains or stand near a window. No one’s buying your crumpled hoodie if it looks like it just woke up from a nap. Try and use a wooden coat hanger against a white back ground- It makes it look more professional 






2. Write a Killer Description

Now comes the writing part. Keep it simple but informative. Include details like the size, condition (be honest here—no one wants a “like new” shirt that’s actually been through five different owners), and brand. Maybe throw in a fun little anecdote about how this dress *almost* made you famous at a wedding once. People love that kind of stuff.


3. Set a Price 

Okay, so this is where you have to be realistic. I know it’s tempting to price your old Abercrombie shirt like it’s still 2007, but let’s keep it fair. You want it to sell, right? Look up similar items on Vinted and price it competitively. You can also add a little wiggle room if you’re open to negotiations (and who doesn’t love a good haggle?).


  1. Wait for a Buyer (and Try Not to Refresh the App Every 10 Seconds)

 This is the hardest part. Once your item is listed, all that’s left to do is wait. Try not to get too attached to your phone as you anticipate that sweet notification. It’ll happen! And when it does, you’ll get a message saying someone’s interested. Cue happy dance.


  1. Pack and Ship

   Once your item is sold, Vinted will send you a shipping label. Pop your item into an parcel bag like these- click HERE (keep it classy), slap on the label, and head to your nearest post office or INPOST box- Don’t worry the app will tell you where they are located. It’s as easy as that. Bonus tip: toss in a little thank-you note to your buyer for those extra brownie points.

Image result for inpost boxes


  1. Get Paid

 After the buyer confirms they’ve received the item and it’s all good, the money will land in your Vinted wallet. From there, you can transfer it to your bank account and—voila!—you’re rolling in extra cash (or at least enough to treat yourself to a fancy coffee or a trip to New York!

Click HERE to read what I’m doing to get me to New York THIS Christmas! Will I do it?

 In Conclusion…


Selling on Vinted is kind of like a win-win situation. You declutter your life, someone else scores a new piece of clothing, and you get some money in the process. Plus, you’ll feel super productive, like one of those organized people who has their whole life together. Even if you don’t, no one needs to know!


So, go on, give Vinted a try and see just how addictive selling can be. Warning: you may find yourself selling half your wardrobe after realizing how easy (and fun) it is.

I have done some videos on TikTok to try and help- so please give me a Follow and you can see what I did right and wrong- Don’t make the same mistakes I did! 

11 thoughts on “Get Minted with Vinted -Without Losing Your Mind

  1. Smartie G, I could have used a store like Vinted this past week – but mostly for books.

    With retirement firmly planted less than a year out, I’m feeling no need for a ton of books that have now gone into the recylcing process. They were basically bibles for a number of old programming languages. And just to make your eyes roll wondering what I’m going on about, the books I chucked were Visual Basic, Microsoft Access, VB for Crystal Reports, Crystal, Javascript. I even threw out a book on assembly language for 8086 computers. Currently all I want or need to know is already in the ol’ noggin.

    But I digress from the fact that yes I need to concentrate on “out with the old” as far as clothes go. And a recent “fitting” session had me resolved with the statement, “THE GUT HAS GOT TO GO!”. 🙂

    I’ve had both good and bad experience with Facebook Marketplace. Have you any idea why Vinted would be a better place to hustle my stuff?

    Cheers to sipping egg-nog in New York!
    Robert Klein recently posted…Health and Wealth For Pre-retireesMy Profile

    1. Hi Robert. Thank you so much for sharing. It sounds like you have a lot of books!
      The main point I prefer to use Vinted over Facebook marketplace is that you don’t have random people coming to your house. It’s all through the post and an app. It keeps both the buyer and seller safe. You can also attract people from all over the country with Vinted. I’ve posted North, South, East and West where Facebook is more local (ish)
      Thank you so much for reading my blog, I really appreciate your comment

  2. Hi Sarah,
    Great post! Unfortunately, I don’t think that Vinted is here in Canada!
    Having said that, your post hit home because a couple of weeks ago, my wife decided to “clear the closet” because she finally realized that the clothes won’t grow…. they’ve actually shrunk over time (ok…that was me saying this to her…) so it was quite liberating to bring all those bags of clothes to a few stores (Salvation Army Thrift Store & Value Village) where they can be sold at a reduced price.
    We’ve definitely looked at “getting rid” of anything and everything that could be used by someone else these days and I can assure you that it’s really great to be able to clear away & let others have use of these still usable items.
    Here’s to decluttering – both in your mind and in your house!
    All the best!

  3. Hi Sarah – OK, you’ve motivated me! In an upcoming blog post I’m going to tell the story of digging through my closet to find a nice formal outfit that would fit for a very special occasion. In digging through many items I had to be honest with myself that I probably wasn’t going to wear those items for a number of reasons. I take good care of my clothing and have my clothing properly cleaned in a manner so that it lasts a long time. My old garments may not be worth what they were when we purchased them but I hope they retained some value. I hope Vinted in the US as I planned to declutter my life, or at least my closet, and possibly make a few dollars on the side. I enjoy my clothes and hope that somebody else will enjoy them… somebody who can fit in them :).

    1. Ernie, that might be worth more than what you paid for them! Vintage! lol
      I have found that I feel so much better mentally with a de-clutter. It feels good to have a sort out, and get a bit of money for it to put towards our New York Fund!

  4. Hi Sarah,

    Love this breakdown! You’ve made decluttering sound fun (and profitable), and your humor is great! The tips on setting realistic prices and taking good photos are super helpful, I’ve definitely been guilty of overvaluing my stuff in the past. Also, the idea of throwing in a thank-you note for brownie points is genius! Your TikTok videos have been so great to watch, and I’m definitely going to avoid the mistakes you mentioned. Thanks for sharing and motivating me to finally tackle my closet!

    Meredith Moore recently posted…Pushing Through Discouragement: Lessons from My Mentor, DeanMy Profile

    1. Hi Peter. Thank you very much. I’m so pleased you liked it. The one change I’ve made recently that has made the biggest impact is 100% mindset. How I’ve handled set backs and approach challenges. Exercise has been amazing for this but day to day mindset has really improved this year. I’m really grateful

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